Architectural Paint Coating

Architectural Paint Coating


Architectural Powder Coatings for Aluminium & Steel


With over 30 years global track record the products from the Interpon D Range can provide coating solutions for all performance demands and environments..

The range encompasses three series of products which are available worldwide

Series Description Performance
Interpon D1000 Series Standard/Super durability for normal weathering environments and internal applications AAMA2603, Qualicoat Class 1, GSB, GB5237, AS3715, SANS1578
Interpon D2000 Series Ultra Durable finishes for more severe or hostile conditions Qualicoat Class 2, AAMA2604
Interpon D3000 Series Hyper Durable fluorocarbon finishes for the most severe locations and specifications AAMA2605

Interpon D Range products are available in a wide range of standard shades, gloss levels, special finishes and metallic effects. Many are held in stock and other colors or finishes can be made to order to ensure the best service to the specifier, fabricator and coater.

With products to meet all major architectural specifications including Qualicoat, GSB, American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), Australian Standard, British Standard, South African National Standards and Chinese GB specifications the architect has complete design flexibility.

All products are backed by global guarantees.

Special situations demand application of special products. In hostile corrosive environments even galvanized steel and aluminum may benefit from extra corrosion protection. For such occasions the application of Interpon 100 powder primer provides a 2 coat system when over coated with Interpon D products. For mild steel the ultimate in anti-corrosive protection is provided by a Interpon PZ zinc epoxy powder primer, again over coated with an Interpon D exterior durable finish.

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Product Information

InterponDGlossSatinMatt Interpon D1036 Sable 2006-2009 Interpon D1036 Smooth Metallic and Chine 2006-2009 Interpon D1036 Chine
Interpon D1036 Fiji Interpon D1036 Gloss 85 Interpon D1036 Matt 30 Interpon D1036 Sable
Interpon D1036 Satin 70 Interpon D1036 Smooth Metallic Interpon D1094 HR Satin Interpon D1094 Matt
Interpon D1094 STF Interpon D1094 HR Gloss Interpon D1200 STF Interpon D2000 Gloss Satin Matt
Interpon D2525 Sable 2006-2009 Interpon D2525 Smooth and Metallic 2006-2009 Interpon D2525 Gloss Interpon D2525 Matt
Interpon D2525 Sable Interpon D2525 Satin Interpon D3000 Interpon D36 Fiji
Interpon D36 RAL Metallic Interpon D36 Sable Interpon D525 Matt Interpon D36 Chine
Interpon D36 Satin Interpon D36 Smooth Metallic Interpon D94 Express Colour Service

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