Panel Systems – Citadel Envelope 2000® Installation

Panel Systems – Citadel Envelope 2000® Installation

panel20battenmockupbig Envelope 2000® is a fabricated wall system utilizing a composite panel made by laminating a prefinished aluminum skin to a substrate of thermoset phenolic resin. A second aluminum skin is added as a backer and provides thermal stability and panel balance. Panels are furnished with a strippable film on the painted surfaces to protect the finish during shipment and installation. Envelope 2000® is fabricated and then attached to the substrate with a series of aluminum extrusions.

The three basic attachment methods for Envelope 2000® are the Reveal System (RV) utilizing one piece extruded aluminum moldings, the Route & Return System (RR) with formed ‘pans’ and attachment extrusions and the RainScreen System (RS) utilizing formed ‘pans’, attachment extrusions and featuring ‘dry’ joints.
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Envelope 2000® Engineered Architectural Wall System (Choose system below to view Installation Guidelines)

Route & Return System (RR) RV System (Barrier) RainScreen System (RS)
Installation Guidelines Installation Guidelines Installation Guidelines

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